
  • Client:

  • Location:
    Delaware, Ohio, USA

  • Production Date:
    Jan 1988

  • Duration:
    8 minutes

  • Category:
    Student Film
  • image
    Producer, Writer, Director, Cameraman, Editor                 
    Bob Yothers

        The 8mm classic finally available through the magic of digital reproduction - Watch the film that started it all! Shot in the winter of 1988 in central Ohio, 'Goatsong,' follows the final hours of a lone soldier, held captive by an enemy through the night and by morning's light we learn the fateful truth of his demise.
        I am posting this little gem because I have very fond memories of the experience. I got the 'film bug' a few short years earlier and while having a few productions under my belt, this was the first one wherein I really pulled out all the stops. (An indication of things-to-come.) What it taught me was, "I can do this thing!"
        I had a limited crew (just me and the actors basically) and my brother had some friends in the National Guard who had their own weapons loaded with blanks so it really gave my little anti-war film some authenticity. With the movie's success I was dubbed a 'movie-mogul' at school and it smoothed the way for the rest of my university experience.