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"We live in very exciting times!
At no other period in the course of human history has the ability to educate, communicate with and entertain potentially billions of people around the globe been so possible.
Take a moment to think about the significance of this...From where each of us sits today we can write, shoot, edit and upload a video in moments that can be viewed by almost anyone, from almost anywhere in the world!
VIDEO PRODUCTION is - white-hot - and growing every day and the potential power of this not only lies with the creators of content, but to those who possess an acute understanding of its components and influence.
Studio-B-AMS is attempting to harness this power with a multi-pronged approach: Through teaching, producing promotional videos, making meaningful documentaries, promoting the 'greater-good' through civil actions and creating original art-house films.
Check back with us from time to time to see how we're doing - We've always got something fun cooking!"
—Bob Yothers
Video in post-production
Video in post-production
Video in post-production
Video in post-production
Video in post-production
I moved to Los Angeles in 1995 to break into the movie business and before long found that my graphic design abilities were indispensable in the pursuit. I free-lanced all over town landing bigger and bigger clients and soon it was clear that I needed to start my own company.
In 1999, Corduroy Road, Inc. was born and within months I had more work than I could handle. Wanting to keep my overhead low I didn't hire permanent employees or purchase an office of my own, rather I expanded and contracted man-power with a number of other talented free-lancers to work 'in-house' at any business that needed us. Occasionally it was only a spot-illustration turned around over night and other times it was a whole team of us working around the clock for months.
The beauty of this is obvious: I kept expenses down, hired only individuals I liked and were well suited for the particular project - all of which kept us 'light on our feet' and 'up to date' with all the latest software and hardware, we made some nice money - and above all else - we had fun!
Some highlights include:
• I designed the semi-truck and trailer, plus gallery layouts for Sir Paul McCartney's art collection that he took on his eight-city US tour
• I designed the new website for The People's Republic of China's third largest English language website: PEN123 and was flown to Beijing for the launch
• Designed and implemented a nationwide campaign for Ducks Unlimited
• I was a key freelance designer and art director for the movie industry standard, Variety Magazine
• I also did the same for their rival paper, The Hollywood Reporter
• Designed the program for United Artists' 90th Anniversary nationwide film festival
• Helped design the original Toyota Motor Car intra-net site
• Created the full design package for IMMI Productions (a small film company) including their polo uniforms
• Art directed and designed for high-end niche motorcycle magazine, Soul Rydah
You can see a partial Client List in the sample boxes to the left of this column.
As I write this, I am in the process of closing down Corduroy Road, Inc. All companies have a lifespan and Corduroy Road, Inc. was a fun journey whose usefulness and influence has come to the end of its cycle. I won't be giving up on design - It's just time to turn my full attention to new business in Europe.
2056: The lunar city of New Temecula — The first child of the moon is born with horrible deformities and when his miner father discovers the original building block of the entire universe, believes he can heal his gifted-son with his newfound powers. But becoming a God holds unexpected consequences for everyone...
Staying one step ahead of authorities, modern day First Nations warrior, Shaunta Bear Heart, joins a research crew investigating the distress call from a missing cruise ship and plows head-first into The Great Pacific Garbage patch. What they find waiting for them is a solid island of toxic waste teeming with new life... But it isn't friendly.
Cassy’s love for racing is quickly outpaced by her affection for a precocious orphan girl who keeps hanging around the track. Can Cassy open her heart yet still retain her competitive edge to win the stock-car championship? "Gentlemen...and lady. Start your engines!"
In this Sci-Fi adventure, a civil war erupts between cloned armies and their ‘precedents.’ Only the reconciliation between two of these unlikely ‘brothers’ can save them and all of civilization.
A couple rescues a life-sized religious statue from the rubble of a demolished medieval church in Amsterdam and when they take it home for restoration, she comes to life turning their world upside down.
After WWI, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is plundered by the victors. What remains is only starvation and misery... Learning of their plight, northern European countries send Children’s Trains to collect war-ravaged children to bring back for foster-care. Our story follows one of these journeys as seen through the eyes of two Hungarian street-kids, Zsófia & János.
A submariner wakes on the bottom of the ocean to find no water and sets out across the dry sea floor for answers. But when he continually stumbles over his own troubled past, realizes he may not want to know everything he's kicking up.
When a splintered white suburban family take on the foster care of a colorful black toddler in middle-America in the ‘70’s, they must pull together if they hope to survive the outside prejudices. Come along for the ride!
Hitler orders his submarine fleet to hunt down the most valuable target on the Atlantic: The Queen Mary. The safety of thousands of allied soldiers, tons of equipment and arms, not to mention the pride and hope of England are at risk. This responsibility falls on the unlikely shoulders of three young sisters who are in way over their heads!
Representing nearly three decades of film and video enthusiasm, Studio-B-AMS, has just opened its doors for business in the heart of Europe.
Whether it's teaching, designing, writing, directing, producing or editing, look for the same creative flair, practical experience and good ol' fashioned hard work that made it all possible.
Always innovative, on-budget and on time, Studio-B-AMS, will deliver consistently for you and your company.
Why The Netherlands? I chose Amsterdam for multiple reasons:
• Because of its unique location in central Europe
• The ‘open’ sensibilities of the Dutch people
• Their ease of English as a second language
• And finally, the dynamic atmosphere and eagerness of so many start-ups and entrepreneurs that I’ve met here -
All essential elements in building a successful business.
Together, you and Studio-B-AMS will go from script, to screen and beyond!
NOTE: I'll be updating this section regularly with more catagories and details so check back.